
Back...With a Vengeance!


Okay, lots of stuff has happened since I went off the grid several months ago. Lemme catch you up (in chronological order!).

I lost my job.
I found a girlfriend.
I found my job again.
I nearly lost my apartment.
I found a new apartment.


Dance Dance Dance!

Okay, so I feel like every time I post now, I lead off with complaining about how I don't post enough, and how I'm going to change that.  And that's super annoying to write, so I can't imagine how bad it must be to have to read.  So I'm going to try a different tact today.


I Don't Have A Clever Title

So I know last time that I promised y'all that I'd be posting on a more frequent basis.  That obviously didn't happen.

To be fair, the last 10 days were pretty insane for me.  I flew home to Chicago on June 8th, and came back yesterday, June 18th. In that time, I slept in 6 different places, in 4 counties and 2 different states.  I never spent more than two nights in a row in the same place.  And most of that time, I didn't even have my computer with me, so I'm lucky I even kept up with returning e-mails.



Listening to: Best Coast
Mood: Sure

Alrighty-roo.  If you liked my Myspace opening, holler.  I don't know why I felt like that was necessary, or even interesting.  But I'm not taking it back.

So, what's new?  Hrm.  Welp, it's a week until my Youtube channel, High Five Anyway, launches!  Huzzah!  Go subscribe!  Right now!  Or we're not friends.

Also, you should like us on Facebook.  We've got lots of production stills up from some of the videos we've shot, and that's fun.  We've also got some FACEBOOK EXCLUSIVE CONTENT that ONLY FACEBOOK FANS CAN SEE.  HOLY AMAZEBALLS.

So that's cool.

Also, I just booked an audition for a break.com video on monday.  I will attempt to break all the legs.  Annnnd guess what?  This gig actually pays!  *dance dance dance*.

I'm also waiting to hear back about an audition for a webseries called Project Hollywood.  You can check out their first episode on funny or die.  I auditioned for the part of the main character's new a**hole/sort of crazy new boss, which is part of the reason why I am now sporting this nasty/evil facial hair.

I really frighten myself sometimes.

So that would be pretty cool if I got a little recurring role for that.  This one isn't paid though.  *sad trombone*  But you know what they say about beggars and their ability to choose (they have none).

And, I think that's about all that's new in the life of Sir Eric the Weiher.  If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know.  I wish I had something wittier (is that really the way you spell that?) to go out on, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

I feel like there's something I'm missing, but I'll probably remember it 30 seconds after posting this.  Yay for updates!

Good Night, and Good Luck.


Man I've got to get better at this


I'm back.  Sorry.  I know you all must have missed me bunches. Okay update time.  I feel like if I can start doing this on a more regular basis, than my posts won't just be massive lists of what I've been doing for the past month.  But maybe that's what you guys like to read.  I dunno.

Regardless, here's the new list:

1.) First and foremost, Adam, Matt and I have been working our little butts off to get ready to launch our new Youtube sketch comedy channel.  It's called High Five Anyway, and it's awesome.  while we haven't posted any videos yet (WE LAUNCH ON MAY 25TH), you can Like our Facebook Page.  We've been updating it with interesting nuggets, behind the scenes footage, and production stills from the videos we've already shot.  You should check it out!

2.) I've been getting more involved in this group called We Make Movies.  This is a group of people that get together on wednesday nights to read each other's screenplays (shorts or excerpts from features) and give each other constructive criticism on how to make their work better.  WMM's goal is to help people make the movies they want to, and to that end, they've set up two Kickstarter campaigns so far to fund a total of 10 short films.  Pretty awesome.

They've also started hosting improv nights to help writers get ideas on where to go with scenes that they haven't fully completed, or haven't even started on.  They've also started this great video podcast called How We Make Movies.  For each episode, they interview various people (writers, directors, producers, etc.) who are starting to make it in the industry about how they got there/their tips for other people to get there.  I'm a fan.  Oh, and did I mention that all of these events are free?  BOOM.

3.) Related to that, my friend Brendan has started trying to create a film collective, sort of like all those theatre troupes that work collaboratively on all aspects of a play.  They all help write, direct, act in, and produce the show.  He wants to do a similar thing, but with movies.  So I'm excited to start helping out with that, because I like collaborating.  Here's his website.  So that's exciting too.

4.) I went to my first Monkey Butler class this week.  That was fun.  Explanation!  Monkey Butler is a free (yay!) improv class that's held in various locations in LA.  When I did the improv night at We Make Movies the other week, I remembered how much I missed being onstage, and I wanted to start doing more of that again.  But I was still poor.  Fortunately, I remembered hearing about this free class from a co-worker the other week (whose name escapes me right now).  So I'm hoping to move up the ranks of MB pretty quickly, as long as I don't have to work and can keep going on a regular basis to classes.

5.) Umm, what else?  Oh yeah, I got an audition for a webseries called Project Hollywood through WMM.  So that's cool. Still doesn't pay anything, but hey.  Beggars can't be choosers.  

6.)  Oh yeah, hopefully everyone saw my awesome appearance on New Girl the other week.  If not, here's yet another link for you to check out.  I apologize to those of you outside the US.  I'll try to find a link that works for international folks.

7.) Okay, I think that's about it for right now.  Oh yeah!  Supervillains Anonymous is almost finished!  We're going to have a little screening for the cast and crew this Saturday.  It's not the final cut, but Donte says he should be finished within a week or two.  So pretty exciting!  Also, the other student films I shot down at Chapman are nearing completion, so soon you all should be able to view them online somewhere.  I'll let you know when you can.  Huzzah!

Okay, I think that's enough updates for now.  I'm really going to try to do this more frequently, so you don't have to read for days.

Thanks to the two of you who made it this far!


Okay Time For a Breather

Wow, okay yeah.

It's been almost a month since I last posted?  Good God.

Alright, let's recap what's happened since last we spoke.

1.)Connor Durkin got married. 
2.)My niece got even cuter.
3.)I shot 5 short films in a week.
4.)I have a couple leads on second jobs.

So first and foremost.  The Durkinator is officially hitched.  That's just awesome.  I'm so happy for him and Lindsay.  They're a freakin' awesome couple and yeah.  *gets all misty-eyed* Also, Brian and I kicked ass at being the official fire-handlers.  (See Below)

Yeah.  We're pretty baller.

That brings us to #2.  Lottie, my niece just keeps getting cuter by the day.  I can't even call her my baby anymore, because she's a little girl!

Ahh! She's so big!

Alright, so after my brief jaunt back to the midwest, I found myself back in LA.  I flew back Sunday night (got in at 11pm), and had to be down in Orange County by 7:30am (it's an hour and a half train ride).  So that kicked off 12 straight days of either rehearsing a film, shooting a film, working, or some combination of the 3.  Pretty much every other day I was taking the train down to Orange, which meant I had to be up by 5am, and in many cases i was working till midnight or 1am the night before.  

So I got very accustomed to functioning on 3 or so hours of sleep a night.  Still not quite sure how I managed to survive without getting sick.  All I know is that by the end, it was not a stretch for me to look half dead in the new zombie movie I was shooting.

But I did survive the past two weeks, and this week has been great to get caught up on all the stuff I didn't have time to do (paying bills, doing dishes, sleeping).  So now I'm back to working on my "career".  I'm trying to get a job as a tutor that would nicely supplement my meager income and allow me to perhaps finally purchase a bed.  I've also heard that the Apple store will be hiring in a couple weeks, so boo ya!

Umm, there's a lot more that I need to talk about, but I've blathered on long enough, and I need to take a nap before I go to work (I should also squeeze some dinner in there too).

k bye.


Can't Talk Now! Good Stuff's Happenin'!

Okay, first of all, if you somehow got that ridiculously obscure quotation, then congratulations.  You're as big a Scrubs nerd as I am.  Actually, now that I think of it, I'm not sure that's a "congrats" moment.  Oh well.


On The Road Again...

Hello Friends!

So here we are.  Day three of shooting for Supervillains Anonymous.  I write to you from Chapman University in good ol' Orange, CA: Home of the Ridiculously Wealthy.


Kickstartin' this MoFo!

Alright, so I'm taking a bit of a departure from the regular fare to tell you all about something super cool that I'm ridiculously excited about:



THAT'S LIN-CREDIBLE! (wait, that's the wrong thing)


I don't know...

What the hell are you supposed to do when you meet an absurdly awesome girl who not only has a boyfriend but is moving back to Canada in two days?  I would love to know the answer.



Surfing on Sine Waves

That title really has nothing to do with anything, it's just an Aphex Twin album I've been listening to a lot lately.  I don't know why I felt the need to explain that.


*Title Coming Soon*

Well well well!  Fancy meeting you here!  Honestly, it's starting to feel like you all are "following" me, or something.  I'm kinda gettin' freaked out.

Oh well.  I guess I'll just have to deal with it.  On to business!


Juggling is FUN!

Okay, so I woke up this morning with a long list of things to get done, and now I feel like I haven't done any of them.  That's annoying.  I did contact Paragon Photos to get some more headshots printed out, because this whole $5/pic from kinkos is not working.  Unfortunately I can't order 50 and get 25 of two different shots. How lame-o-tronic.


Midnight Ramblings

Call me weird, but I really like working the late night shifts at work.

A lot of people complain when they get late shifts and try to get sent home early, but I like staying late, and even if I have to work a little overtime, not just because I get a couple extra bucks, but because I like working in the theatre when it's almost completely empty.


A Small Step for Riko...

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!

So as some of you probably already know via the Electronic Book of Faces, I had my first paid acting gig last Thursday.  Whoa!  Holy Crapola!  That happened so quickly!  How did you become so amazing?  Whoa whoa whoa.  Calm down there.  Now granted, I am pretty amazing, but let's get our facts straight first.  This was just an extra part (sorry, background actor.  I'm a valuable member of this team!).  


Keep on the Sunny Side, Always on the Sunny Side

Hello again, and welcome to another edition of Inside My Brain.  
This week we'll be discussing, well mainly stuff that I've been thinking about recently.  Cuz that's what we always do.  So I hope that's what you were expecting/enjoy reading about.  Otherwise, you came to the wrong place my friend.


Oh So Effing Resolute


It's a new year.


I got home from work at 1am last night and fell asleep with the lights on.  I hate when I do that.  Because I invariably wake up at 5 am with the lights on, and then it's hard to fall back asleep.  Usually cuz I have to pee, but don't want to get up.  My body is at eternal war with itself.

Anyhoo, that explains why I'm up at 7am writing this post.  More info than you wanted to know?  Yes.  Do I care?  No.  Deal with it.  My blog, my rules.  BOOM LAWYERED.