
Can't Talk Now! Good Stuff's Happenin'!

Okay, first of all, if you somehow got that ridiculously obscure quotation, then congratulations.  You're as big a Scrubs nerd as I am.  Actually, now that I think of it, I'm not sure that's a "congrats" moment.  Oh well.

Anyhoo, I'm writing this while sitting in the LAX airport waiting for my flight back to Chicago.  Huzzah!  Of course, you won't read this until much later, because I'm writing it on TextEdit (that's our version of Notepad, for you PC'ers out there).  And I'm writing it on TextEdit because it turns out that LAX isn't cool like O'Hare, and doesn't have a free WiFi hotspot nicknamed "Boingo".  

But I'm off topic once more.  What I really want to talk to you about is last weekend.  And this week.  And what happened.

Because it was good.

So as you probably remember, I was cast in a Chapman University Master's project called "Supervillain's Anonymous".  This short film was shot over four days last weekend down in Orange, CA mostly on Chapman's campus.  And it was super fun.  I've made a big deal out of this not only because it's been awhile since I landed a role, but also because this was a phenomenal experience for me, networking-wise.  Donte Murry, the director, is a second-year masters student in the directing track, and from what I can tell, he's made some pretty great work already.  His short film from last semester, The Batting Cage (which I haven't gotten to see yet) won several awards at their departmental awards-show-thingy, and it was screened at an LA film festival the weekend before we started shooting on "Supervillains".

And when I talked to him on set, he told me numerous times that he thinks this project is going to be even better than The Batting Cage.  And I've seen the production stills from that.  They're really good.  

Okay, I'm just now remembering that I wrote a post during shooting.  I for the life of me cannot remember what I wrote about, and I don't have internet access, so I can't check and make sure I'm not saying the same thing.  I suppose I could just skip writing this, and check the previous blog when I get back to DG, and then take out any repetitive phrases then, but where's the fun in that?

Back to the story.  This shoot was a great experience because there was a legit crew (AD, 2nd AD, DP, Gaffer, Grips, DIT, all that good stuff) (I'll explain what all that means if you really want to know) and they all knew what they were doing and are really good at their jobs.  Also, the majority of them are also grad students at Chapman, which means that they're all going to be doing projects of their own for the next couple years.  And they seemed to enjoy working with me, and thought I did a good job as The Puzzler!  Score!

So what does this all mean?  Well, it means that all the first year grad students are getting ready to film their 321's.  Those are shorts that are 3 pages, with 2 characters, and one location.  Neat-o, huh?  In any case, Alyxandra, the AD (Assistant Director) mentioned that she was going to be having auditions for her 321 on Friday (which was yesterday) and would I be interested in reading for one of the parts?  To which I replied "Hell yes!"   Then I got an email from Garrett, the Gaffer (but really the Director of Photography, long story), asking me if I wanted a part in his 321.  Didn't even want me to read for it.  Just straight up offered it to me!  Double score!  

So I headed back down to Chapman yesterday to audition for Alyx's project, and where I learned that in fact all the directors were holding auditions at the same time.  So while I was waiting on Alyx, another director asked me to read for his project, and there happened to be about five other directors sitting in, who were all working on their own 321's as well, and 2 of them asked for my contact info (I didn't bring any headshots or resumes, like an ass).

So I promptly sent these fine people my headshot and resume, and now several of them would like me to be in their projects as well.  Which has now put me in a bit of a conundrum.  Because they all have to shoot their projects the first week of April.  And they're all shooting down on Chapman's campus.  Which is an hour train ride from LA.  And I still have a job.  So as of right now, I'm shooting a project on Tuesday the 3rd, Wednesday the 4th, and potentially ones on Monday the 2nd, Friday the 6th, and Saturday, March 31st.  Although, now that I'm thinking about it, they only schedule me for 3 days a week, so I can just request Friday the 30th, Sunday the 1st, and Thursday the 5th.  Then I'll just be working 7 days straight!  Perfect!  Thanks for helping me work that out.

But honestly, if my problem is having too many projects to work on that I can't do them all, I think I'm doing pretty well.  *dance dance dance*

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