
Oh So Effing Resolute


It's a new year.


I got home from work at 1am last night and fell asleep with the lights on.  I hate when I do that.  Because I invariably wake up at 5 am with the lights on, and then it's hard to fall back asleep.  Usually cuz I have to pee, but don't want to get up.  My body is at eternal war with itself.

Anyhoo, that explains why I'm up at 7am writing this post.  More info than you wanted to know?  Yes.  Do I care?  No.  Deal with it.  My blog, my rules.  BOOM LAWYERED.

So I'm writing in the dark with Do Make Say Think post-progrock-instrumental-jazzing away in my earspace, and it's making me a wee bit contemplative.  Well, to be honest, so is the fact that the year is only 9 days old.

I know, I know it's been way too long since I've posted, and you've all been going into Eric-Awesomeness withdrawal.  It's bad.  I had it once.  Long story.  But that's beside the point.  The holidays are over, and we all survived (huzzah), but now it's time to get back to work.  (Well I was working more during the holidays, cuz the movie theatre is hella busy then, but you get what I mean).

If you haven't guessed, my new year's resolution is to update this blog at least once a week.  Sub-reso: Start that bike blog. Tangential reso: Land a paid acting gig before year's end.  Porn doesn't count.

So this is hopefully the first in a long line of Ericness (that's Eric + Awesomeness)  happening right here on your regularly scheduled interwebs.  

Okay, so now that we've got all that administrative bulltinky out of the way, what's been goin' on?  I'm glad you asked.  Since we did just get done with all that holiday rigamarol (Christmahanakwanzidan), I'm gettin back into the auditioning swing of things.  Haven't done a lot of it in the past two weeks, mostly because we've been super busy at work (see above, yay monies!) but also mostly because it's the holidays and no one's in town/wants to be holding auditions when they could be sipping eggnog and looking at their christmas tree.

So what does that mean for me?  Well it means that since I don't have any auditions scheduled right now, it's the perfect time for me to start doing some extra work and hopefully start supplementing my income.  That's right, sports fans!  I finally was able to register with Central Casting!  For those of you following along at home, that's LA's premiere Extra Casting service, and they handle roughly 85% of the background talent in this town.  That's a whole lotta percents.  So that's cool, because they have projects filming pretty much every day of the year, so I just have to call their number obsessively until I find ones that I fit the call for, then I can go stand around behind famous people and get paid for it! (huzzah)

This might not seem like a super big deal to you, but I'm actually pretty excited about it, because this can be a pretty great networking tool.  It'll be a great chance to meet a lot of other working actors, get some tips of the trade, that sort of thing.  Also, sometimes when one of the casting directors at Central Casting likes you, they'll make you one of their "regulars" and start hiring you for consistent gigs on the shows they cast for.  Also, some people you may have heard of (coughcoughBradPittcoughcough) have started out at Central Casting, so it's a good place to go if you want to get "discovered" without having to "pay" anyone any "special favors" on their "casting couch" which is really "next to the dumpster behind the denny's on Sunset"  (editorial note: I'm not sure if there's actually a Denny's on Sunset.)

So yeah, that's my deal.  I'm going to call Central Casting for the first time today and see if there are any gigs available for tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes!

Update: I called the hotline and found a couple projects that are shooting tomorrow that I fit, but was not able to get in touch with the casting directors.  I'll try back in an hour or so.  Mental note: I still need to order my business cards.

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