
*Title Coming Soon*

Well well well!  Fancy meeting you here!  Honestly, it's starting to feel like you all are "following" me, or something.  I'm kinda gettin' freaked out.

Oh well.  I guess I'll just have to deal with it.  On to business!

So last week I had another extras gig, which was for a much larger project.  It was for a feature film (whoa!) starring (and I'm still not sure what exactly I'm allowed to talk about it, so I'll try to be vague) Special Agent Michael Scarn, a big Liar, Liar, and the guy who got fed into the wood chipper in Fargo.  Also, they're all magicians.  Boo ya.

So that was fun.

And then yesterday I had my callback for Supervillains Anonymous, and lo and behold, I got the part of The Puzzler!  Huzzah!  *dance dance dance*

Okay. Stop.  Enough frivolity.  But seriously, I'm hella excited. Again, this is just a short, no budget indie, but the script is really good and well-written, and the director seems like he really knows what he's doing, and yeah.  Awesomesauce.  We'll be shooting next month, which is cool, and then I imagine they'll be trying to send it on the film festival circuit.  

Other than that, not a whole lot going on these days.  Still working, still paying lots of bills (wooo), still working on my kickstarter project.  I'm hopefully going to finish shooting my video in the next couple days, and then I'll prolly put the link to the preview up here so you guys can all weigh in on how it looks before I officially launch this thing and start trying to raise monies for real.

Okay, I think I'm done now.  If I think of anything more to say, you'll be the first to know.

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