
Movin' on up, to the East Side

Actually, I have absolutely no desire to live in East LA.  I'm perfectly happy where I am, thank you very much.  You can keep your DE-lux apartment in the sky.  

But aside from that, things are progressing.  As you all know (since I'm assuming you've read every one of my posts, hanging onto each glorious word as if it were a perfectly cooked ribeye fresh off the grill (note to self: we need another steak night)). Wow, I didn't even finish that sentence.  Those parenthetical side thoughts took on a life of their own.  Whatever.  The point is, I've started to get some auditions, which is great.  Last time we talked, I think the total count was 4.  Now we're up to 7, which includes a callback for a Holiday Theatre Comedy Improv Showcase...Thing.  Not really sure what it is yet, but hopefully I'll find out tomorrow at what?  That's right.  The callback.  Cuz I effin' got it!  Also, I just got an e-mail confirming that 


*dance dance dance*  (feel free to join in if you like)

Okay, that's enough wild frivolity for now.  Granted, this is an unpaid, Student film, which most likely will not even be seen by anyone other than the professor and the two classmates who aren't asleep, but best case scenerio, I have a new clip to put in my reel.  And really, that's all I'm really going for at this point: getting to do some stuff that hopefully showcases my RANGE as an ACTOR.  Hahaha, if I ever start sounding like that non-ironically, somebody slap me.  Not too hard though.  That would hurt.  

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