
Straight Thuggin'

Hello again.

Due to popular demand (Jordan) I'm back with even more awesome tales of life in the bike lane (p.s I think I just found a name for my new biking blog).

So last week I informed you of new developments in my life.  Namely that of my new apt., job, and getting an audition.  Following that, there's not a whole lot more new stuff going on, except that that first audition turned out to not be a complete fluke, in that I have gotten several more since then.  So far I've had 4 auditions, all for very small, indie features and shorts, and student films.  I also have 3 more coming up this week.  I've only heard back from one of the films I auditioned for, and I did not get the part.  I'm not too terribly disheartened by that, since I've heard that if you can book one in every 10 auditions, you're doing really well.  And the fact that I just started auditioning a week ago and still haven't really made the transition from theatre to film yet makes a big difference in my being able to make a good impression on directors/casting directors/producers.  But that's only going to come with practice.  It does make perfect, after all.  

I know that film (and their auditions) are quite a bit different from theatre, but it was still a bit jarring to walk into the first one, stand there, and have this exchange:

Man #1: Hi, I'm the Director.  Nice to meet you.
Man #2: Hi, I'm the Casting Director (see above)
Man #3: Hi, I'm the Producer (refer to lines 1&2)
Me: Hi, I'm Eric. Nice to meet you too.
Man #1: Alright, tell us a little about yourself.
Me: Well, I just moved here from Chicago, and...
Man #2: Great great.  Just slate your name and give that side a shot.
Me: *Reads side*
Man #2: Okay great, that was good.  Have a good day, we'll be in touch.

Me: (on the way back to my bike) I just rode an hour an a half for that?  Well at least my calves are looking fan-freaking-tastic.

It's a bit of a change from the 2-3 hour affairs of theatre when they have you read with every other person in the room it seems like.  When you only have maybe 30 seconds, you have to make that first reading count.  And I still haven't gotten used to the idea that I have to be completely warmed up when I walk into that tiny room, because they're not going to give me a second chance.

In other news, a girl that I work with knows a woman who is a casting director for commercials, and apparently will be needing more talent for the upcoming holiday season, so supposedly she'll be contacting me in the next couple weeks.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that something comes of that, because some extra income would be of great use to me right now, considering taking an extra shift at work this week only got me up to 21 hours.  Haha, 3 days a week won't pay the bills!  I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish I were cleaning bathrooms and movie theaters more days out of the week.  

But all in all, things are going pretty darn well here.  Now that I've finally moved into an actual room and am paying rent on an apartment, I feel a sense of permanence.  Before, when I was couch surfing, it never really felt like I was HERE.  But now I've settled in, and I can actually make this my home.  I've also started making more connections.  The roomie and I were both in town over the holiday, so we went to a friend's place to have a little Roommate Thanksgiving.  And it was great.  We made turkey, had mashed potaters and other goodies.  I even made miniature meatloaves with a sweet bourbon glaze.  Yum.  And we're in the beginning stages of creating a Butler Alumni bar to watch all the b-ball games and what not.  Because I loves my sports.  So yeah. I don't know why I always end up writing so much, and I hope this is even slightly not boring.  

I will keep all y'all up to date on the status of my auditions, and hopeful commercial endeavors.  Until that time, I hope you continue to read this, and derive some sort of strange pleasure from it.  And now time for the shameless plugs.  If it's not too much of a bother and you have a google account already, why not go ahead and start following me?  It don't take too long, and also it would slightly validate my existence.  Thanks!

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