
Midnight Ramblings

Call me weird, but I really like working the late night shifts at work.

A lot of people complain when they get late shifts and try to get sent home early, but I like staying late, and even if I have to work a little overtime, not just because I get a couple extra bucks, but because I like working in the theatre when it's almost completely empty.


A Small Step for Riko...

Hey there! Hi there! Ho there!

So as some of you probably already know via the Electronic Book of Faces, I had my first paid acting gig last Thursday.  Whoa!  Holy Crapola!  That happened so quickly!  How did you become so amazing?  Whoa whoa whoa.  Calm down there.  Now granted, I am pretty amazing, but let's get our facts straight first.  This was just an extra part (sorry, background actor.  I'm a valuable member of this team!).  


Keep on the Sunny Side, Always on the Sunny Side

Hello again, and welcome to another edition of Inside My Brain.  
This week we'll be discussing, well mainly stuff that I've been thinking about recently.  Cuz that's what we always do.  So I hope that's what you were expecting/enjoy reading about.  Otherwise, you came to the wrong place my friend.


Oh So Effing Resolute


It's a new year.


I got home from work at 1am last night and fell asleep with the lights on.  I hate when I do that.  Because I invariably wake up at 5 am with the lights on, and then it's hard to fall back asleep.  Usually cuz I have to pee, but don't want to get up.  My body is at eternal war with itself.

Anyhoo, that explains why I'm up at 7am writing this post.  More info than you wanted to know?  Yes.  Do I care?  No.  Deal with it.  My blog, my rules.  BOOM LAWYERED.