
Straight Thuggin'

Hello again.

Due to popular demand (Jordan) I'm back with even more awesome tales of life in the bike lane (p.s I think I just found a name for my new biking blog).

So last week I informed you of new developments in my life.  Namely that of my new apt., job, and getting an audition.  Following that, there's not a whole lot more new stuff going on, except that that first audition turned out to not be a complete fluke, in that I have gotten several more since then.  So far I've had 4 auditions, all for very small, indie features and shorts, and student films.  I also have 3 more coming up this week.  I've only heard back from one of the films I auditioned for, and I did not get the part.  I'm not too terribly disheartened by that, since I've heard that if you can book one in every 10 auditions, you're doing really well.  And the fact that I just started auditioning a week ago and still haven't really made the transition from theatre to film yet makes a big difference in my being able to make a good impression on directors/casting directors/producers.  But that's only going to come with practice.  It does make perfect, after all.  


Gettin Back in the Swing of Things


Again, it's been too long since I've gotten on here to relate my wondrous experiences to you lovely folk.  Surprisingly enough, quite a bit has happened since we last spoke.  Alright, let's see, there were three major things:

  • I got a job
  • I got an apartment
  • ...I dunno, I'm gonna say, EPA?