
The Upsides of Unemployment

So as my loyal readers know, I am between jobs right now.  I've been papering this town with my headshot, resume, coverletters, and anything else that may help get me gainful employment.  Now some of you might be thinking, "Packing up your entire life and leaving the security of your parents house to move across the country during the worst recession in decades?  Not to mention moving to the most bankrupted state in the union?  And trying to break into one of the most competitive, backbiting and all around nasty professions in the world?  Well that's plain silly.  Stupid, even.  Mind-numbingly bone-headed.  Just bafflingly moronic.  Putrifyingly..."  Yeah I could just keep going on all day with those.  Bottom line, I don't have a job anymore.  But that's okay.  Because there are some real perks.

1.) I have tons of free time.  If I want to go do something in the middle of the day, I don't have to work around my schedule, or roofie my boss so he doesn't realize I'm gone.  I can just up and go see a matinee of Rio...not that I would.  But if I wanted to, I totally could.

2.) I've got oodles of excess energy.  Even last weekend when I spent all night beating Marvel Ultimate Alliance II with Adam and then only got 4 hours of sleep so I could go hiking in the morning with Zoltron, I was till bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  Getting a full-nights sleep every night will definitely do that to you.

3.) But I think most importantly, I've had an over-abundance of creativity.  First of all, I've actually kept up with this blog, which is a big thing for me.  But more than that, I've been coming up with potential material for some stand up comedy.  Which is a bonus, because it turns out Adam has always wanted to do standup as well, but he hasn't wanted to go to an open mic night by himself.  But now we can help each other with our material, and then go and make people pee themselves with our witticisms.  In addition, my roomies and I have been contemplating starting an online sketch comedy group, and yesterday I came up with 3 pretty good ideas while I was stuck in traffic on the 101 (see I've even started to learn the correct terminology for freeways).  
    Having all this time to myself during the day has kind of been a blessing since I've been able to think up so many ideas and actually do some writing.  Now if only I could get a job and somehow keep these creative juices flowing.  Flowing like the rich chocolate river they are.

That was a weird analogy.  I guess I really want to watch Willy Wonka.  Anyhoo, it's time for me to go to Amoeba with Froggy for RECORD STORE DAY.  That's a day when all the independent record stores in the country have sweet deals and in store concerts and whatnot.  Boo Ya!  I'll continue/finish this when I get back.  Actually, now that I think about it, that's about all I got.  If I stumble on some supremely awesome album, I'll let you know.


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