
Midnight Ponderances (sp?)

So people who have talked to me for more than 10 minutes have some idea how my mind works.  Some.  You may have heard me quote various tv shows (simpsons, arrested development, scrubs to name a few). On several occasions people have asked me to explain how (or more importantly, why) it is I do this.  I've tried, and I've failed.  The simplest explanation is, I don't know.  All I know is, it's what I do.  I remember these things.  Whether it's tv shows, comic strips, movie quotations, odd factoids, you name it.  Generally if it has some sort of comic merit and I've seen or heard it at least once, I can probably recite it back to you.  

While I'm still not sure why my brain works this way, I just had a moment that I feel truly captures the essence of my little comedic nugget-hoarding ways:



Well.  I've now been here two weeks.  Half a month.  Yup.  Everyone keeps asking me if I've been getting auditions yet.  Really?  Is that how people seriously think this business works?  Two weeks?  If I were a surgeon and had been working at a new hospital for two weeks, would people be asking me if I had performed open-heart surgery yet?  Well, probably yes...people probably have just as limited experience with what surgeons do.  That didn't really help my case at all.


The Mileiest Stone Yet

Well Friends, as of yesterday evening, I have officially been in Los Angeles for ONE WEEK.  Pretty crazy, I know.  Strangely enough, a lot has happened in those seven short days.  Let's go down the laundry list:

-PA'd for a short film
-Checked out an apartment in Burbank
-Went grocery shopping
-Made new LA friends on the Book of Faces
-Went out to a bar in Hollywood for St. Paddy's day
-Got a job interview
-PA'd on another short film
-Will shortly be appearing as Cult Member #5 in said film 


The first 72 hours

Within 12 hours of arriving in Los Angeles I was driving up to the desert to help out with a short film my friend is working on.  I'd say that was a pretty good introduction to this town.

So for those of you who may not know, my name is Eric, and I'm an ASPIRING ACTOR.  Huzzah.  So that means that a week ago yesterday, I packed my car up with my entire life (which amounted to a surprisingly, almost depressingly small pile) and drove all of the 2,000+ miles from Chicago to LA.  I figured it might be a good idea to record my thoughts and experiences in this brand-new place, you know, for when I'm super famous and in real movies.  Ha. Ha...oh jeez.