I have not written a post in a long time. My b. Hmm, well I guess there's a lot I have to catch y'all up on then.
First things first: I'm engaged. That's right. That lady, LJ Johnson, of whom I'm so enamored, agreed to marry this sad excuse for a man. Still not sure how I managed to pull that one off, but here we are.
Aren't we cute?
But yeah, we're getting married, which is super exciting, and we finally moved out of our one bedroom in Koreatown, and into a one bedroom in Glendale. The upside is that we no longer have a roommate, so we have more than 11 square feet of space to ourselves. The downside is, we have to clean the whole thing.
In other news, I started taking improv classes at UCB (Upright Citizens Brigade) this year. I'm just about through level 201, which is super exciting. I feel like I've learned an enormous amount in the few months I've been doing this, and it feels good to get up on stage and perform again. Speaking of performing, my graduation performance is on Sunday, October 12th at 1:30pm, so swing by if you feel like it. The address is 5919 Franklin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028, And tickets are only $5. Woo!
Peace, Love and Improv
Also, LJ and I have started working on a little project together. It's a web series, and it's called "Life's Lemonade". It's inspired by her time working as a server in countless restaurants. She wrote and will direct it, and I'm producing it. It's been really exciting and rewarding to actually work on something ourselves, instead of just waiting around for the phone to ring.
It gets old fast.
That being said, we do have a kickstarter campaign going in order to raise some money for it. We're going to make this thing either way, but if we can put a little more money into it, it's going to be even better. So if anyone can afford to throw a little money our way, we would be forever grateful.
And I know what you're thinking: "Oh come on! Enough with the kickstarters already! You're sucking us dry! Every day you've got another project going on." To that I say, "If you pledged for my watch project a couple years ago, that didn't meet it's funding goal, so none of you actually got charged. So really, you have a few dollars more than you would have otherwise." And what better way to spend it than to help a struggling actor?
Even if you don't have a single dollar to donate (seriously, all you need to donate is ONE DOLLAR) please click on the link and watch the video all the way through, because the more people that click on the link and watch the video, the better my stats look to the kickstarter people, and the more likely it is that they'll feature the campaign on their front page. So here it is: CLICK HERE
And again, I know what you're thinking: "Hey, isn't that the same link from the top of this post?" And yes, you'd be right. It is. Because I got to here writing, and realized this post is hella long, and a lot of you won't make it all the way down here, so I figured I better put the link in up at the top too, so more people get a chance to click on it. Aren't I brilliant?
And just one more plug. I figured out how to embed the video from kickstarter here, so you don't even have to go anywhere to watch it, but it still counts on my page. So, double win.
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe>
Okay, maybe I didn't figure out how to embed it. So sue me.