It's been over three months since I last posted. I've done some terrible, terrible things in that time.
I really do feel like a combination of a sinner/alcoholic who is confessing every time I come back here after many months of no updates. It's like I'm going to my own private AA confess to a priest...that the entire world can see. Okay, so it's an imperfect metaphor, but this is an imperfect world we live in. Deal with it.
Anyhoo, thing's got a little cray-cray after we last spoke. The next day I started moving into my new apartment, and a week after that I brought my dog, Pip home, and the week after that, it was Christmas, and then a couple weeks after that I went home to Chicago to see my family (and missed out on my sister having her second child by 3 days!) So it's been a bit of a whirlwind around here. But things are finally settling down. Oh, and you know that girl, LJ, I told you about last time? The one that is insane enough to actually date me?
Pictured here flying on an invisible cloud of puppies.
Well guess what? We're still together. And we're living together. BOOM! So that happened.
Anyhoo, on to my life.
So it's a new year! New possibilities! New adventures! New...smells.
If you recall, last year my new year's resolution was to get myself an agent before the year was out. And I did! Now all I have to do THIS year is get a new agent who will actually get me auditions. HUZZAH! So the first step there is to get new headshots. While the ones my brother took for me 3-4 years ago are great,
You're a true master, Chris.
I think it's probably time to get some professional ones taken. My girlfriend insists that if I get new pics taken, the agents will be positively knocking my door down to represent me. I insist that I'll be lucky to not break the camera lens with my giant feux Jew nose.
But aside from giving my flagging acting career a jumpstart, I have a couple other ideas for making some sweetass scheiße happen this year.
First off I'm not even going to talk about how I'm going to try to update this blog once a week, because I know you won't even believe me if I tell you (but I'm super cereal you guys!), so I'll just skip ahead to High Five Anyway.
Some of you may remember the youtube sketch comedy group I started with three other weirdos last spring. We released several "comedic" sketches that mainly centered around us being nerds &/or dressing in drag.
If you're avid followers (that's a big "if"), you may have noticed that we've been on hiatus for the past couple months (read: half a year). We've been spending that time reformatting the show and coming up with new ideas for sketches (read: sitting on our asses), but now we're actually getting down to business and we're getting ready for Season 2 of High Five Anyway! Get ready, interwebs, we're coming for you! There's going to be bigger laughs, better explosions, and guest stars coming out of every orifice!
Also, this year, I'm looking to start getting into stand up. I think I've talked about doing this before, but now I'm actually serious about it. I'm going to talk more in detail about the how and why in another post, because this is my big goal for the year. Wow, look at that, I was actually serious and sincere about something. I should stop while I'm ahead.
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