Within 12 hours of arriving in Los Angeles I was driving up to the desert to help out with a short film my friend is working on. I'd say that was a pretty good introduction to this town.
So for those of you who may not know, my name is Eric, and I'm an ASPIRING ACTOR. Huzzah. So that means that a week ago yesterday, I packed my car up with my entire life (which amounted to a surprisingly, almost depressingly small pile) and drove all of the 2,000+ miles from Chicago to LA. I figured it might be a good idea to record my thoughts and experiences in this brand-new place, you know, for when I'm super famous and in real movies. Ha. Ha...oh jeez.
Anyhoo, I spent four days driving across roughly three-fourths of this fine country to go find my destiny or Personal Legend or gold, or whatever it is people come to California for these days. I managed to make the drive without having to sleep in a hotel or my car, thanks to the hospitality of My Friends; Ali, Pete and Jason. I figure I'll limit people's names to firsts, since while I'm pretty sure no one besides my family and a couple friends from home will actually read this, it is on the Interwebs, and who knows what the bleep goes on in this lawless frontier town.
Now that I'm on the West Coast, I'm staying at my friends Adam and Froggy's place until I get an actual job that pays actual money so I can afford to get my own apartment. Interestingly enough, as I was driving out, I called Adam to let him know when I'd be getting into town, and he informed me that he would be working on a FILM that weekend I got in. So I thought to myself, "Hey, I want to be in movies." Then I told him that, and he agreed. Then he asked the director if they could use some extra help onset. And lo and behold, they did. Which is why I found myself on the back of an ATV driving out to a cave in the middle of the California desert to help PA for a film about a guy who gets conned into killing another guy for a movie. Awesome, huh?
So that's over now, and it was a good experience. I got to meet a bunch of people who actually work in the biz, and now I'll be an extra in a movie about the Heaven's Gate cult this coming weekend. w00t. Now I just have to figure out what the bleep I'm going to do with myself and how I'm going to make money. So if you have any ideas for either of those things, please let me know. I'm open to suggestions.
Oh yeah, and yesterday, on my way to get my oil changed in my car (which I found out has the bottom almost completely rotted out, so that's fun), I drove past L. Ron Hubbard Way, which is the entrance to apparently the Global Headquarters for SCIENTOLOGY. It's a giant sky blue building with the word SCIENTOLOGY written just like that on the top. It's terrifying on so many levels. I did not see T. Cruise, unfortunately. Although I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Beck.
Sooo yeah.
That's my first post. I'm not sure with what frequency I'll be updating this bleep, but hopefully it won't be too random. I'm going to try for once a week at this point, but I suppose if a whole slew of interesting schtuff keeps happening to me, I'll increase from there as needed (or if I continue to be unemployed and need something to pass the time).
Tom Cruise is in Van right now :P